It's best to maintain them fishing raw poultry and flax, if you are prepared to spin the flax into bowstrings. If you are not willing to spin flax, set the employees to fishing and mining coal or cutting maples. The latter is good if you are training Firemaking. Prevent hardwoods at any cost, since the amount you get along with
RuneScape gold the price they sell for does not add up to much. Also avoid farming, even as the seeds that you get are random and you don't get tree or fruit tree seeds. I am definately willing to spin flax, as Im searching for all of the crafting xp I will get my hands on right now. . .personally, I was thinking either 100% flax (because in addition, you receive herb seeds) And 50% coal, though I might switch that to fishing. Does that seem like it'd make the most profit?
Following 5 years being an f2p'er I will finally get the encounter. Now I had been wondering if you can find anythings I should know (quests I should do, the way to get to so & so, most popular p2p places, any harmful places) and some other items I need to receive before I make the switch (logs, feathers ect...)
As I mentioned before, is there any other things I should get? Will those supplies be enough for a 1 month membership?
I believe my stats and levels are still pretty good, they are in my sig. I understand I have some improving to do with
Old school rs gold those stats (just begun crafting) I'm trying to get 30 craft, 50 mining, 40 smithing and range before I turn p2p. Also I have done all the F2P quests and also have about 2mil items (things & gp) worth in bank. Any other hints or things I should know would be useful. Thanks.